Pryor Creek

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Overview & Context

Pryor Creek is located about 6 miles northwest of MAIP along Highway 20 and Highway 69. The 2020 Census counted 9,444 residents in Pryor Creek which was a slight decrease from the 2010 Census which listed 9,539 residents. The median age of residents in Pryor Creek is 31.7 years old with a median annual household income of $43,278. Approximately, 60% of residents identify as Caucasian, 17% identify as Native American, and 17% identifying as two or more races. As of the 2020 Census, 550 of the 4,253 housing units counted were listed as vacant.

Pryor Creek is comprised of approximately 10 square miles with a small town center based around a historic Main Street. Pryor Creek is expected to experience growth in population due to the increase in economic opportunity coming to the region in the near future. The purpose of this guide is to describe tangible steps that Pryor Creek will follow over the near, mid, and long term to help it retain its unique sense of place and character, protect natural resources and agriculture, and anticipate future needs, such as utilities, transportation, environmental resource protection, housing, community services, and education.



From Trading Post To Hub For The Trades

Pryor Creek was named after Captain Nathaniel Pryor, a Lewis and Clark Expedition member, War of 1812 Veteran and Osage Indian Agent who set up a trading post near Grand River. The city was originally named Coo-Y-Yah but the name was later changed to Pryor Creek by the postal service in 1887. In 1894, Pryor Creek was incorporated as a town under the laws of the Cherokee Nation.

Over time, Pryor Creek has come full circle. What began as a cattle town that turned to farming and wheat production, returned to a cattle town focused on meat and dairy production. With the construction of the Pensacola Dam, the city’s population expanded to roughly 2,500 people. Within ten years the population nearly doubled with the introduction of electricity to the city and the introduction of the Oklahoma Ordnance Works which was located four miles south of the city. The munitions plant drew almost ten thousand workers at its peak and served as a regional draw for employment. Between 1950 and 1970, Pryor Creek saw its community gain another 2,500 residents due to a strong local economy in the manufacturing industry. What was the Oklahoma Ordnance Works is now the MidAmerica Industrial Park which is still one of the region’s largest employers.

Pryor Creek By The Numbers


Residents identify as White / Caucasian


Residents Identify As Native American


Residents Identify As Two or More Races

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